Dwyane Wade even flops while bowling?
Hoping that Dick Bavetta's in the house, Wade flops while bowling. I guess he's looking for the 10th frame Bowling And-1. Sorry Wade, but Stern's not there to save you this time.

By : introvert316
I know it's all fun and games. I know it's for a good cause being that this was being done at Chris Paul's charity bowling event. But I'm sorry; this guy is the biggest hoe in the league. Everyone knows he flops. David Stern backs it and the officials who continue to call the BS as he talks about his "new NBA". In the meantime, all the TV analysts and NBA related types continue to shove down our throats that we're seeing "great basketball" and things we've never seen before. I guess it's true, I've never seen a guy less deserving put on the free throw line more than Wade. I thought it was bad when with Jordan, but at least Jordan was great. Jordan could do it all, he played on both ends, and he understood TEAM BASKETBALL. Wade is the complete opposite. He doesn't defend. He doesn't play team ball. He has no range beyond 15 feet. This guy scores half of his points from the free throw line night in and out. I mean really, am I watching the NBA, or the WWE? He makes the best floppers in the history of a league like Miller, Divac, Rodman, Laimbeer, look on the up and up. Ginobili is another guy that flops all the time, the difference between the two is that Ginobili doesn't sell merchandise like Wade does, so he doesn't get nearly as many phantom calls, because the league is trying their hardest to make Wade look like a "next Jordan" which is a total slap in the face to any basketball fan. This is wrong for me to say, but my only hope with this guy is that eventually one of these days one of his many falls will catch up with him and I won't have to listen to the crap about how this guy is such a warrior. Until he starts doing the majority of his scoring on the court, and not the free throw line, I won't buy into this guy being legit. He needs to learn the basics. He needs to play defense. He needs to play team basketball. And he's going to have to develop a shot beyond 15 feet before I'll buy it. There is also another Shaq factor; Wade should be thanking Shaq everyday for his fame, because if Shaq wasn't there, he'd be just another young "star" on the rise in the league. Rant over.
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